YAH's Words, Music, Psalms (at the bottom of list).

Yah's Song. 'Everlasting' Found at Kingdom Preppers HERE
'Kingdom of YAH' is on the way. - Tell all the world!

Yah's Name, 7 Words, explained, pronounced, defined. (7 min.)

John (Yah gives) 13-17. The Last Supper.  (23 min.)

Zephaniah - Current 'End-Times' summerized.  (15 min.)

John (Yah gives) the Baptist   (29 min.)

Enoch - Written for us in these times. The best parts.  (38 min.) 

David and Goliath  (14 min.)

Ezekiel 33-37  (22 min.) 

Yah's Aleph-Bet, in songs.  (5 min.)

Isaiah (Saved by Yah) 11 & 12. Maybe one of the King's Favorites.  (5 min.) 

Isaiah 40 - 66, with the Alef-Tav (J.C's Sign)
Family talk from Yah, Father YHVH (2 hr.)

Jeramiah 50-51. The destruction of End-Time Babylon / USA.  (23 min.) 

Micah  (24 min.) 

Nahum  (12 min.) 

Habakkuk   (10 min.) 

Haggai  (8 min.) 

Zechariah (Remember Yah)   (47 min.)

Malachi  (12 min.) 

Psalm 1-7 (10 + minute each Psalm recorded below.)  

Psalm 8-14 

Psalm 15-18 

Psalm 19-23

Psalm 24-29

Psalm 30-34

Psalm 35-37

Psalm 38-42

Psalm 43-48

Psalm 49-53

Psalm 54-58

Psalm 59-63

Psalm 64-68

Psalm 69-71

Psalm 72-74

Psalm 75-78

Psalm 79-83

Psalm 84-88

Psalm 89-91

David's Psalm 119  (18 min.) 

Favorites  (10 min.)